Ewen is a violin maker with a global reputation for making high quality violins and violas.
His instruments are played by classical and traditional musicians around the world. Each instrument is made in his workshop in Shetland, specifically to meet the needs and desires of each customer.
"I can't recommend Ewen's violins highly enough. The instruments I have are beautiful and are superb, tonally." Kevin Henderson | kevinhenderson.co.uk
"Ewen is at the top of his trade. He delivers fantastic craftsmanship; it is second to none. My fiddle is superb; it is all I hope it was going to be and more. She has a beautiful sound and I am very very pleased with it." Manus McGuire | manusmcguiremusic.ie
"My Ewen Thomson violin is something that, now I have, I couldn't live without. I've played it all over the world and wouldn't swap it for anything I've tried anywhere. For the beauty of tone and volume it is impossible to beat Ewen's instruments." Ross Cooper | rosscoupermusic.com
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